 3500 BC New Stone Age establishes the great trading links across England; The Icknield Way passes by Cavenham
 50 AD Iceni tribe live in the area
 40-80 AD Large Urn buried
 200-400 AD  Cavenham crowns (Roman) buried
 1086 Doomesday Book;Cavenham land owned by Richard Fitz Gilbert
 1200 Church built on possible Anglo Saxon site
 1250 The Vicarage is valued at £10
 1347 Manorial lands passed by marriage to the Earl of Stafford
 1461 Sir Thomas Tuddenham owner of Shardelowe Manor, beheadedSimply click for more information...
 1465-85 St Walstan mural painted 
 1483 Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham beheadedSimply click for more information...
 1535 Duke of Suffolk, Charles Brandon marries Mary, Queen Dowager of France Simply click for more information...
 1551 Edward de Stafford beheadedSimply click for more information...
 1550's The Plough Inn built
 1576 Sexton’s plan shows Cavenham as ‘Canham’
 1754 The Post Office built
 1772 Enclosure of pastoral & agricultural land
 1794 Thomas Le Blanc sells the Hall to the Marquis CornwallisSimply click for more information...
 1797 Robert Rooks rents Blacksmith's shop
 1801 Enclosure of heath & waste lands
 1809 Henry Spencer Waddington MP buys Cavenham Hall
 1851 Greatest population count of 283Simply click for more information...
 1861 The Plough with 62acres rented for £2.2s.
 1871 Village School erected
 1896 Agricultural workforce dropped by 42% in the previous 55 years
 1898 New Mansion erected in the park
 1902 Adolphe Goldschmidt buys Cavenham Mansion
 1903 Reading Rooms erected
 1910 Frank Goldsmith elected MPSimply click for more information...
 1910 Estate houses built
 1914 Violence as protesters try to oust Frank GoldsmithSimply click for more information...
 1918 Estate failed to sell at auction
 1920 The artist, Alfred Blundell moved to The Mill
 1921 Estate bought by Brig-Gen. Archibald Fraser Home CMG DSO
 1925 St. Andrews Church united with Tuddenham St. Mary
 1925 First incoming telephone call
 1929 School closed
 1941/2 RAF Camouflage & Decoy unit established.
 1943 FIDO Established
 1946 Cavenham Estate bought by Douglas Gough
 1947 The Vicarage demolished
 c.1950 Cavenham Hall demolished and replaced with Little Hall
 1950's Village Store closes
 1954 The Suffolk Show held at Lark Hall
 1954 First Electricity in village
 1958 Lark Hall Farm with 602 acres sold
 1962 Village Flower Show at Park Farm
 1964 Cavenham Foods createdSimply click for more information...
 1967 Discovery of St Walstan’s mural and closure of Public House
 1981 Lowest juvenile population countSimply click for more information...
 1982 Bury Pistol Shooting Range opens
 1998 Glider pilot killed
 1998/9 Porter's Lodge gardens open to the public
 1999 Post Office closed
 1999 Les Ford recieves MBE
 1999 Gravel Pit halts extraction to protect breeding birds
 1999 Python dumped on heath
 1999 Ramblers National Day of Action