Archaeology Folk & Facts Features Last Century

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Population & Occupancy C19th-C20th

The average number of persons per house.  The notable change in the graph to the right is due to a fall in the number of family households with additional relatives, servants and co-workers. For example: Thomas Skeely had three sons of 45, 43 and 37 living with him in 1851. In 1851 8.4% of households had two or less occupants this figure has dramatically risen to 63% by 1999.
Percentage of households with children This graph does not reflect the severe decline in the number of children living in Cavenham. 122 children were noted in the 1841 Cavenham census. In contrast in 1981 there were 28 children under 20 years old (only 3 of those under 10). At the end of the 20th Century the numbers are rising with 38 noted in November 1999.
Average number of children per 'family' house In 1851 a total of 118 children lived in 42 family households, thirty years later 87 children lived in 26 houses and in November 1999 there are 19 families with 38 children. These figures suggest a relatively similiar distribution yet in 1861 there were 11 families with 5 or more children, in 1999 there are none. The largest 
family in available census records 
were the Orbell’s with 8 children. The Gooches who lived in Lark Hall in the 1930’s had 16.
Source; Relevant census returns, County Records Office, Present Village Inhabitants.
©2000 Sarah Brownie

A Forest Heath District Council (Suffolk) Project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of the Millennium Festival ©2000 Designed by ArtAtac