Oktoberfest success

By   October 18, 2024

The end of September saw Breckland Club running it’s first ever Oktoberfest.

Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make it such a great success.

In what is hoped will become an annual event the Oktoberfest saw both new faces and old enjoying a large selection of German (and Belgian) beers.

Put a note in your diary for next year and keep an eye on this website and the clubs facebook page.

Thanks to the relevant TENs license the Club was able to welcome non-club members to the event. They obviously enjoyed it as over 25 new members signed up.

The opening weekend also featured a bouncy castle and a German style BBQ. (thanks Dot and Eleen and all who help out).

Some really entered into the spirit of the event and turned up in full Bavarian costume.

Contrary to popular belief the annual Munich Oktoberfest doesn’t really occur just in Obtober but in fact runs for three weeks and ends on the 1st Sunday in October.

Our beers were

Apologies to those who were drinking the Kriek/Cherry beer – we got the ABV wrong – it should have been 5.8% not 5%!!.

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