1249-1618 Estate subdivided into several Manors
ad1500 1618 Newhall & Downham Ixworth Manors 1804 Manors consolidated 1950 Houses built for forestry workers, later ad1990
500,000-8000bc Palaeolithic flints found 700bc Iron Age occupation site, coins, iron hoard
14?? Newhall Manor passed to knightly acquired by Robert Wright of Kilverstone ad1800 1914-1918 WWI Downham Hall used by military Scandinavian design houses for foresters ad1960 1982 Sale of Forestry houses to tenants
Shardelow family of Barton Mills 1973 Felling and replanting of the Lime Avenue
8000bc ad1300 1625-1642 John Rous wrote a diary (Minister) 1917 Colonel Mackenzie gave up his occupancy 1952 Queen Elizabeth II Coronation
Iceni - coins found
1433 Newhall Manor sold to Countess of Stafford of Downham Hall to his brother 1994 New Breckland Club built
Before 1066 Dunham formed part of the estate of Brictwulf, son of Leofmer. After his death it was then given by King William I to Abbot Baldwin of Bury St Edmunds in return for military service to the Abbey1066 Norman invasion - local changes prior to 1536 The Priory acquired the advowson 1960 Building land leased to outsiders ad1980
43-425ad Roman site, scatter finds, pottery 1830 Estate sold to Lord William John Fredrick 1918 Estate sold for £75,310 to land speculators 1954 Village Hall opened 1995 village celebrates VE Day
1446/7 Newhall Manor granted to Thomas 1538 Downham Ixworth manor granted to 1668 Sand flood at Downham (published account) Powlett, later 3rd Duke of Cleveland 1939-1945 WWII Army camp and ammunition 1975 Village Green registered as common land
7000-5000bc Mesolithic flints found 700bc ad1200 Heigham of Higham Hall, Gazeley Richard Codington by Henry VIII ad1900 depot established at Santon Downham ad1950 1998 Peddars Way Housing Assoc take over
1086 Little Domesday Book - entered in as 1836 Alterations made to Downham Hall by the care of rented Forestry Houses
"Lands of St. Edmunds" ad1700 architect Lewis Vulliamy (1791-1871) of London
1998 Anglian Water take over responsibility for
440ad Saxon, dress fitting, broach, 1086 Abbot Baldwin (Frenchman from Chartres) 1249 Mersey Manor acquired by Adam De Mereshaye ad1400 1539 Downham Monkshall Manor granted to ad1600 1860 Poem published "A Ramble over the ad1940 ad1970 water supply - piped from Brandon
pottery, grave stone found granted the estate, with other land to brother Fredo Sir Thomas Kytson of Hengrave. Resold in 1540 Downham Estate" by George West
6000-4500bc Neolithic Axe, knife, flints 1250-1251 Downham Ixworth Manor granted to
to William Maltyward whose family lived there 1924 Estate acquired by Forestry Commission 1999 Old water tower demolished
630-679ad St Etheldreda, daughter of King of Ixworth Priory by Christiana deWalsham until 1658 1871 Estate sold to Edward Mackenzie Start made on planting Thetford Forest 1967 New Forestry Commission HQ built
East Anglia owned land here (Domesday Book) mid 1400s Mersey Manor owned by John Bagot 1778 Estate purchased by Charles Sloane 1987 The Great Storm (16 October) 1999 Removal of sand bank from the 'sandflood'
2700bc Bronze Age pottery beaker found ??? Lands pass to De Vere family, Earls of Oxford 1276 Newhall Manor held by John De Lovetot 1569 Downham Ixworth Manor sold to Heigham  Cadogan, 3rd Lord Cadogan, later 1st Earl 1880 Estate passed to William Dalzie Mackenzie 1977 village celebrates Queen's Silver Jubilee in Hall Lane
in return for Knight service to the Abbey of Cadogan, Chelsea House, Cadogan Square, London 1925-1927 Downham Hall demolished
1877 Queen's Jubilee - Douglas Firs planted Forestry Commission headquarters established 1978 Village Hall extended to create Village Club 1999 Santon Downham took part in 22villages project
866ad Vikings invade (Pagan Burial site - Downham Hall now occupied by William's in Santon Downham 1969 Fishing rights retained by villagers
broaches and sword found) younger son Colonel Edward Philippe Mackenzie